- Learn Chinese for free Locations 地点 dì diǎn 1. On 上面 shàng mian 2. Under 正下方 zhèng xià fāng 3. Out 出 chū 4. In 入 rù 5. Across 横过 héng guò 6. Through 穿过 chuān guò 7. Below 下面 xià mian 8. Near 靠近 kào jìn 9. Along 沿着 yán zhe 10. In front of 前面 qián mian 11. Behind 后面 hòu mian 12. Next to 旁边 páng biān 13. Up 上 shàng 14. Down 下 xià 15. Far from 远离 yuǎn lí 16. Close to 挨着 āi zhe 17. To the left of 左边 zuǒ bian 18. To the right of 右边 yòu bian 19. At the top of 顶部 dǐng bù 20. At the bottom of 底部 dǐ bù Copyright © Learn Chinese. No part of this text can be reused for profit.