Insects Serangga 1. Ant Semut 2. Bee Lebah 3. Beetle Kepik 4. Butterfly Kupu-kupu 5. Caterpillar Ulat bulu 6. Centipede Kelabang 7. Cockroach Kecoa 8. Cricket Jangkrik 9. Dragonfly Capung 10. Fire fly Kunang-kunang 11. Fly Lalat 12. Gnat Agas 13. Grasshopper Belalang 14. Mosquito Nyamuk 15. Moth Ngengat 16. Scorpion Kalajengking 17. Spider Laba-laba 18. Termite Rayap 19. Wasp Tawon 20. Worm Cacing Copyright© Learn Indonesian. No part of this text can be reused for profit.