- Learn Chinese for free Commands 指令 zhǐ lìng 1. Sit down 请坐 qǐng zuò 2. Stand up 起立 qǐ lì 3. Come in 进来 jìn lái 4. Get out 出去 chū qù 5. Raise your hand 举手 jǔ shǒu 6. Open your eyes 睁开眼睛 zhēng kāi yǎn jīng 7. Close your eyes 闭上眼睛 bì shàng yǎn jīng 8. Go faster 快点儿 kuài diǎn ér 9. Go slower 慢点儿 màn diǎn ér 10. Talk to me 跟我谈 gēn wǒ tán 11. Close the door 关门 guān mén 12. Open the door 开门 kāi mén 13. Listen to me 听我说 tīng wǒ shuō 14. Be quiet 安静 ān jìng 15. Turn on the lights 开灯 kāi dēng 16. Turn off the lights 关灯 guān dēng 17. Open the window 开窗 kāi chuāng 18. Close the window 关窗 guān chuāng 19. Go away 走开 zǒu kāi 20. Come here 过来 guò lái Copyright© Learn Chinese. No part of this text can be reused for profit.