Economics Ekonomi 1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Pendapatan per kapita 2. Supply Penawaran 3. Demand Demand / Permintaan 4. Employment Tenaga kerja 5. Unemployment Pengangguran 6. Interest rates Tingkat bunga 7. Inflation Inflasi 8. Deflation Deflasi 9. Stagflation Stagflasi 10. Capitalism Kapitalis 11. Socialism Sosialis 12. Communism Komunis 13. Wages Gaji 14. Consumers Konsumen 15. Floor price Harga dasar 16. Ceiling price Harga tertinggi 17. Expansion Ekspansi / Perluasan 18. Increase Kenaikan 19. Decrease Penurunan 20. Detraction Pengurangan Copyright © Belajar Inggris. No part of this text can be reused for profit.