The pro-Thaksin Web site recently released a report claiming the Council for National Security maintains a "secret budget" for mobilizing mass support for those in power. The article claims that the First Army Region under the command of Prayuth Chan-ocha has set aside 319.1 million baht to monitor and handle "suspicious activities" in Bangkok and other central provinces to prevent unrest. The article also said that the money would be used for marshalling mass support for CNS chairman Sonthi Boonyaratkalin. Lt-Gen Prayuth countered that the expenses and allowances were intended to serve communities, not seek political gain.
Bangkok Post
A bomb went off in a phone booth Saturday night near the King's Chitralada Palace in Bangkok, wounding one man. Police say they have found no clues about the identity of the bomber, but have set up 84 checkpoints in risk-prone areas in the capital. Searches of vehicles and suspicious looking passersby will be conducted from nighttime until 5 am daily. Police Lt-Gen. Jongrak Jutanont, Assistant National Police Chief, said the bomber wished to stir up a sense of chaos in the country, not harm anyone.
 The Thai government has announced plans to file a lawsuit in Thai court against Sitthichai Phokai-udom, the minister of information and communications technology, said the Thai government would file lese majeste charges against the site because of its refusal to remove a 44-second video that showed provocative graffitti-like elements painted over a slideshow of photographs of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The minister said Youtube owners Google were acting hypocritically by refusing to remove the clip on grounds of free flow of communication, as Google censored their operation to gain access to the Chinese market.