Thaksin Shinawatra and his advisors are expected to finish their examination of Manchester City's books and formally table a 100 million pound bid for the football club. Members of the local press say that the ousted Thai Prime Minister's offer has become the clear frontrunner. Despite what transpired three years ago, when Thaksin tried to buy the Liverpool club, activist groups and the public have remained quiet about the prospect of a premiere league club owned by someone accused of human rights violations. Some, however, have charged that his attempt to purchase Manchester City amounts to little more than a publicity stunt and a way to remain in the public eye in Thailand. "This is a win-win situation for him,” said Thitinan Pongsudhirak, professor of political science at Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University. “It allows him to stay in the limelight, make news headlines and remain connected to his support base. It's going to be a new focal point; it's going to allow him to get a lot of political mileage and score points at home."”
The Telegraph