A private school in Bangkok has suspended all classes for one week, after a grade-6 schoolboy and thirteen of his classmates have tested positive for the H1N1 influenza. The pupil developed flu symptoms and had no record of traveling abroad, unlike other flu patients who had traveled to the United States before showing signs of the virus. In Pattaya, 21 nightclub workers have also tested positive, after two Taiwanese tourists developed flu symptoms upon their return to Taiwan from the Thai beach resort town. The World Health Organization has called an emergency meeting amidst speculation that a first flu pandemic in 40 years might be announced. Australia alone has reported more than 1,200 new cases of infection over the past week.
The Nation
The Nation
When the Thai government imposed an emergency law cracking down on red-shirted protesters on the streets of Bangkok last week, the state’s censors were given liberty to silence critical media, according to Marwaan Macan-Markar of IPS. By the weekend, Community radio stations sympathetic to the anti-government ‘red-shirts’ in northern and northeastern provinces were raided by the police and closed down. Also, the information and technology ministry ordered Internet service providers to shut down 67 websites that were allegedly sympathetic to the ‘red-shirts’ protestors. "The radio stations were closed because they were being used to incite violence," Buranaj Smutharakas, Democrat Party spokesman, told journalists. "The right to free speech ends when it is being used to call for violence."

Bangkok Post